This guy

Originally from Portland, OR, Bjorn lives in Brooklyn, NY perpetuating hipster tropes.


The nicest things people might say about Bjorn

“We always ask Bjorn to do the grilling.”

“Bjorn planned the whole 4-week, cross-country road trip.”

“Bjorn helped me save my plant. I thought it was dead but now it’s thriving!”

Things Bjorn is realllly into that make people go 🤔

The pigeons that live next to his balcony

College football — Go Ducks

His dog, Butter

Bjorn’s favorite content experiences - Ranked

  1. Twitter dot com (RIP)

  2. Apple Ecosystem

  3. r/bernesemountaindogs

  4. College Football Recruitment Edits

  5. Calm App

  6. Morning Edition on WNYC

  7. Quora Daily Digest

  8. Emeril Live Reruns on YouTube

  9. Early 2000s Nike Basketball Commercials

  10. Snoop Dogg & GGN News

  11. Waze App

  12. Films under 100 minutes

Bjorn’s greatest accomplishments

Planning a 4-week road trip that covered 8,600 miles and 25 states

Winning his fantasy football league (2X)

Getting you to read all this

4 places Bjorn is willing to relocate to

Southern California

Northern California


The Open Road