Connected Series


In 2015 Samsung partnered with Vimeo to launch the “Connected Series” - a 10-film series created by emerging artists selected by the Vimeo staff.

The result was an astonishing array of films based on a minimalist brief enabling the artists to create in a way that was honest to their unique styles. Each film stood alone in its creative treatment, but together they reflected all the different ways we stay connected to one another.

We created a Tumblr page to serve as a hub for the series where fans gathered to learn about the artists and share GIFs of their favorite moments from the films.


While I was very involved in the rollout for this project and led the execution of the social content, I chose to highlight this project to show what I believe was a perfect partnership.

In 2015 the Connected Series was overshadowed by Samsung’s broader mission to dominate social media with force. But the strategy behind this series is exactly what Samsung is doing today - leaning on smart collaborations with platforms to highlight emerging artists with open-ended briefs.

The films were true reflections of the artists’ styles while the themes remained eloquently intertwined with Samsung’s brand ethos.

Winner: 2016 Tribeca X Award: Best Branded Content